Sunday, February 14, 2010

Being an Effective Parent Partner

Thank you for attending the Parent Training on being an effective Parent Partner. Our hope is that your time spent in the classroom is not just spent observing your child but also as a self directed tool to increase your knowledge and ability to assist your child's learning, at home and in the community.

Think back to the exercise we did at the training and revisit what you hoped to gain from attending as a Parent Partner. Your assignment for this week is to choose one thing you would like to learn more about when you come as a parent partner in February.

We are excited about your commitment to learn all your can while you and your child are with us at ICT. Individually we can all bring about great progress. Together as a team, we can change a life!

"Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you'll be able to see further." -Thomas Carlyle


  1. I know that Julie is able to follow directions at the center but at home I feel like she is tuning me out. I am not sure if she is not hearing me, if I don't really have her attention, or if she is just being stubborn and lazy. I would like to learn how to make sure she follows the instructions I give her at home, as well as she does at the center.

  2. Miles can talk! Sometimes he will use 2-3 word sentences. We know that he has at least 200+ words in his vocabulary, but getting him to use words at home is really tough. He most often grunts, throws himself down and screams when he wants something. I want to know how to get him to talk without a 45 minutes tantrum every time I try.

  3. Begonia is really beginning to understand if/then and can even wait a short time for reinforcement. The trouble we have is how to fade the rewards. I know at school you have removed the reinforcement almost entirely for putting on her shoes independently, but at home she expects it every single time and will kick off her shoes if we do not give it to her immediately.
